About Me

Please join us to support a brave little girl in the fight of her life. Julia (Juls) Stone was recently diagnosed with and will BEAT stage four Ewing Sarcoma, a rare form of childhood bone cancer. She is a sweet and spunky little girl with a great deal of spirit. Her greatest champions are her mom and dad - Richie and Rachel. She is part of a loving Christian family made up of Richie, Rachel, 3 adopted children (Mackenzie, Ally, and Andrew) and two biological children (Julia and Ahnika). The family lives in southern Missouri and must travel to Children’s Hospital in St. Louis for Juls’ treatments. The medical and travel costs will be enormous so Team Juls is lending support in any way possible. We are rallying together to provide prayers, well-wishes and fundraising events. We aim to lend spiritual and emotional support and to ease the financial impact of medical/travel expenses for Juls' family during this tough time. Please join the fight with Team Juls!
There are a several ways to lend your support for Juls, so please reference the How You Can Help tab for more information. Thank you for your prayers all the support!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

12/24 - Homeward bound, Merry Christmas!

From Momma:
-We had a nice evening but its becoming threatened by a low grade fever if it rises during the night then back we go.
I tried to administer her IV meds she needs for her white blood cells but both her lines are clogged meaning I can't give her meds. Her lovely nurse is gonna come out tomorrow to try and unclog them.
We love our nurse!
Please pray for her fever to go away and counts to continue to rise!
She's resting now... and is my miracle. So wonderfully and beautifully made.
Thank you God for sending her to me

-Praise the Lord we are home!!!
So happy to be home but a little sad for the friends we left behind at the hospital. Still praying for Janet!

From Grandpa David:
-This Christmas is very special to all of our family we have been blessed in so many ways through each of you and all the nurses and doctors at Children's Hospital. We especially give thanks to God who sent us His Son Jesus that died on the cross for you and me. Tomorrow as we celebrate the birth of Jesus keep in your prayers all the sick children that won't be able to be home, also remember all the men and women of our Armed Forces as they are away from their families to protect our rights of this great nation. From all of our families to all of yours we thank you for all your prayers and support and wish you a merry Christmas!!!

-Julia is getting her blood transfusion and platelet transfusion and will get to come home later this afternoon she will be home for Christmas thank you Lord for yet another miracle!!!!!!!!!!

 -Amazing news Julia already has Anc count of 25 this morning usually it is days before her counts come back so there is still hope that she might come home today or tomorrow. Rachel will talk with doctors soon.

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