About Me

Please join us to support a brave little girl in the fight of her life. Julia (Juls) Stone was recently diagnosed with and will BEAT stage four Ewing Sarcoma, a rare form of childhood bone cancer. She is a sweet and spunky little girl with a great deal of spirit. Her greatest champions are her mom and dad - Richie and Rachel. She is part of a loving Christian family made up of Richie, Rachel, 3 adopted children (Mackenzie, Ally, and Andrew) and two biological children (Julia and Ahnika). The family lives in southern Missouri and must travel to Children’s Hospital in St. Louis for Juls’ treatments. The medical and travel costs will be enormous so Team Juls is lending support in any way possible. We are rallying together to provide prayers, well-wishes and fundraising events. We aim to lend spiritual and emotional support and to ease the financial impact of medical/travel expenses for Juls' family during this tough time. Please join the fight with Team Juls!
There are a several ways to lend your support for Juls, so please reference the How You Can Help tab for more information. Thank you for your prayers all the support!

Friday, October 25, 2013

A milestone, kiddie cones and small pleasures

Specific prayer request of the day: Keep praying that this round of treatment will not be as hard on Julia.

From Momma:
-Miss Juls is still asleep but soon we will be on our way back for her next round of chemo. Each day that goes by is one day closer for this to be over and healthy Julia to be back. Today it has been 3 months since Dr. Barg told me something didn't look right with her bone in her leg. My world has stopped. I can't grasp the season change and the holidays coming up. To me it's still July!
Soon we will do her next scans! Full body scans, I cant wait to hear that its all gone that's shes healed. I cant wait for the drs to say that its a miracle!! She is a miracle an amazing child sent by God for a purpose that is bigger then anything I can imagine.
I praise God for her and her healing!! It's gonna be a glorious day when I tell you its all gone and all the praise will be to God.

From Grandpa David:
-Miss Juls woke up this morning and wanted to wear her Walmart heart shirt that Ken had given her she really looked good in it. Ken she's coming after your job. I asked her what she was doing today and she said 12:30 paw paw be at McDonalds so I called Rachel later to see if they were going and yep they were so off to McDonalds I went. I opened door of their car and Juls had fallen asleep while driving up there. I carried her in and held her while she slept, Grandma Mary Ann was there too and asked if she was getting heavy that she would hold her and I said no I was fine ,she said I was afraid you'd say that, ohhh I guess I can share and gave Juls to her. Shortly after that she woke back up and wanted a kiddie cone. She got to play with her siblings this afternoon which was nice since she has to go back in tomorrow morning. I keep Praying that this round doesn't drag her down like before. Asking for continued prayers for these next few days to lift them all up and for them to have safe traveling back and fourth. Keep up the Fight Juls were all right here with you. Love Paw Paw

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