About Me

Please join us to support a brave little girl in the fight of her life. Julia (Juls) Stone was recently diagnosed with and will BEAT stage four Ewing Sarcoma, a rare form of childhood bone cancer. She is a sweet and spunky little girl with a great deal of spirit. Her greatest champions are her mom and dad - Richie and Rachel. She is part of a loving Christian family made up of Richie, Rachel, 3 adopted children (Mackenzie, Ally, and Andrew) and two biological children (Julia and Ahnika). The family lives in southern Missouri and must travel to Children’s Hospital in St. Louis for Juls’ treatments. The medical and travel costs will be enormous so Team Juls is lending support in any way possible. We are rallying together to provide prayers, well-wishes and fundraising events. We aim to lend spiritual and emotional support and to ease the financial impact of medical/travel expenses for Juls' family during this tough time. Please join the fight with Team Juls!
There are a several ways to lend your support for Juls, so please reference the How You Can Help tab for more information. Thank you for your prayers all the support!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

11/22 Cycle 3, Round 1, Day 2 - Jaron and Juls update

Juls ~ From Momma Rachel:
-Juls singing a care bear song
"Growing up is some thing you can treasure happens everyday"
She has no idea how right she is. So many on this floor will never have that privilege. Juls is doing so good please keep praying for her.

Jaron ~ From Momma Jamie:
-He did it!!!!! Thank God! The catheter was getting ready to go back in! Thanks for the prayers 
-This may sound crazy but please pray for Jaron to pee. He hasn't went on his own since surgery and they r beginning to get concerned.
-Mommy doing what she does best. Jaron getting his hair washed
He seems to be doing better today

From Grandpa David:
-Jaron is doing so good hard to believe the difference between yesterday and today. He has been out of bed most of the day we did a long walk. He felt so good we got the ok to go see Julia. He had to use a wheel chair to go to see her being it was so far and we were there for awhile. Julia was so happy to see him she laughter and giggled and we even got our pic. taken by Rachel. Juli
a is doing good also so happy to see both of them smiling and laughing. Jaron is doing so good he might get to go home tomorrow. Thank You to everyone for all your prayers and for lifting our family up.

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