About Me

Please join us to support a brave little girl in the fight of her life. Julia (Juls) Stone was recently diagnosed with and will BEAT stage four Ewing Sarcoma, a rare form of childhood bone cancer. She is a sweet and spunky little girl with a great deal of spirit. Her greatest champions are her mom and dad - Richie and Rachel. She is part of a loving Christian family made up of Richie, Rachel, 3 adopted children (Mackenzie, Ally, and Andrew) and two biological children (Julia and Ahnika). The family lives in southern Missouri and must travel to Children’s Hospital in St. Louis for Juls’ treatments. The medical and travel costs will be enormous so Team Juls is lending support in any way possible. We are rallying together to provide prayers, well-wishes and fundraising events. We aim to lend spiritual and emotional support and to ease the financial impact of medical/travel expenses for Juls' family during this tough time. Please join the fight with Team Juls!
There are a several ways to lend your support for Juls, so please reference the How You Can Help tab for more information. Thank you for your prayers all the support!

Monday, December 30, 2013

12/30 - Joys of home and blood drive reminder!

From Momma: 
-Juls had another great day.
Running and playing and being silly. She loves it when her siblings are home. Friday is the big surgery day.
Please keep her in your prayers even though we've had a great victory her battle is far from over.

-Immaculate Conception Parish Center - Owensville

Over the last several months, Julia has been battling Stage 4 Ewing Sarcoma. Combined with prayers, faith and the generosity of others, Julia has beaten the odds! Please join us in donating blood in Julia's honor.

Your blood donation comes at a very important time for the American Red Cross . Blood donations are especially needed needed during the winter months, when donations typically decline. In addition, inclement weather across the country has caused many cancelled blood drives. Please do your part to provide blood for our hospital patients.

Our goal is to collect 100 units of blood! Because every pint of blood can potentially save 3 lives, 300 hospital patients are counting on us! Let's make it happen!

In addition, all presenting donors will receive a complimentary long sleeve, Red Cross t-shirt and will be entered into a drawing to win a Scentsy gift basket! Lunch will be provided for anyone who attempts to donate!

Join us at the Parish Center in Owensville on January 2nd, 2014.
Time: 12pm to 6pm

12/29 - Good day at church

From Momma:
-Juls had a great day church Sunday school then Chinese. We came home and the little girls and Richie and I took a long nap. It felt so nice to have a lazy sunday.
God granted us an amazing day. So thankful for today

From Grandpa David:
-We all had a really good day went to church this morning and Miss Julia and all the family were there. I had a revolving lap for a while Julia came and sat on it, then Ahana had to have her turn then it was Myah's turn I think I still managed to hear the sermon. I wouldn't have traded it for anything. I Thanked the Lord for such a wonderful service. After Sunday school we took Aly and Andrew down to the Science Center and the Omni Max Theater. The documentary on Jerusalem was showing we all really enjoyed it very much if you get a chance to see it do. Julia had to make her rounds this evening Chinese food then McDonalds then to Ron's for some Skittles. She still isn't eating hardly anything but at least she wants to try. Bless her for that. Just a reminder about Thurs. blood drive we need all the donors we can get. Julia has been doing really well and giving God the praise for that. Friday will be her surgery on her leg to remove part of the bone where the cancer started, she will not be receiving chemo for a few weeks after so the leg can heal before starting back up again. We are so thankful for all your prayers and support what a wonderful community we live in.

From Cousin Sarah:
-When I first posted this picture it said "Who is going to kick cancer's butt? Oh, me of course!"

Well I feel it's only right to repost it with this...

"Who kicked cancer's butt? Oh, me of course!!"

12/27 - Amazing the doctors!

From Momma:
-Yay just left clinic. Her cheek is swollen but doesn't need anymore antibiotics. Her ANC is back to 0 which I don't really understand since it was 25 Tuesday.
It was nice to hear again how phenomenal Julia is and how this is so amazing. I never get tired of hearing that!!
It's really God who is phenomenal and amazing without Him Julia wouldn't be where she is today.
We praise you, Father

From Grandpa David:
-Julia had to go in for a checkup today and her platelet was good and so was her red blood cell count, but her white cell count was at 0 since she is not running any fever they let her come back home again. Rachel and Richie got to talk with the Dr. that did the interview for Channel 13 news and they had also watched it and liked the story. Apparently there was a drs conference and Julia was a big part of their topic of how could a 3 yr old with Stage 4 Ewings go from that to not having any cancer left in such a short time they asked if anyone else had every heard of anything like this and none had. God's miracle in Julia has even the best drs. in awe and disbelief. The great healing hand of God had been at work in Julia and I hope He continues to amaze these drs. with more miracles in the lives of these other little angels. I continue to pray every day for all these children fighting this battle!!

12/26 - PLEASE give blood!

From Momma:
-Please give blood if you can. We were told Tuesday that the hospital didn't have the blood she needed they called Red Cross and praise the Lord they had some. But supplies are low....I dont know what would happen if Juls couldn't have gotten the blood and platelets she needed.
I've never given but for Juls I'm going to!

-Juls goes down to clinic tomorrow to get her mouth sore checked out her cheek is swelling. Dr Edwards was able to give her an antibiotic shot today but her oncologist wants to see her also because her counts are low. There's a chance they'll want to admit her. I pray her counts go up and her mouth heals quickly. I can't even process the thought of being admitted again so soon. Overall she is feeling good. Although she's not eating she's drinking sweet tea.
She's now watching her new favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

From Grandpa David:
-Yes the Blood drive for Julia is very close and the need for blood right now is greater then ever. Just last night Carolyn needed a platelet transfusion and there wasn't enough on hand for her to receive all of it. She got what was available and they were hoping sometime last night that they would receive enough to finish also last week Mary needed a transfusion and they had to wait for 8 hrs. for it to be available. Just imagine it being your child or grandchild waiting needing a transfusion and being told we have to wait there is none available. I know this sounds bad , but this is the truth about the blood supply right now so I plead with you to give blood if not here for Julia, attend a blood drive near you the need so great. Thank you and God Bless each of you!!

-Anyone interested in donating platelets this tells you a little about platelet procedure this has to be done at a Red Cross Center. There is one in Columbia, Jeff City, and several in St.Louis area. You can check on Red Cross website for Missouri locations this takes about 1 1/2 hrs -- 2 hrs. Platelet is also in great need.

During a platelet donation, a small portion of your blood (about 1/4 pint at a time), is drawn from your arm and passed through a sophisticated cell-separating machine. The machine collects the platelets and safely returns the remaining blood components, along with some saline, back to you. After the donation you can resume your normal activities, avoiding heavy lifting or strenuous exercise that day.

A single platelet donation can provide enough platelets for a full therapeutic dose for a patient in need. In fact, some platelet donations yield enough platelets for two or three therapeutic doses. By contrast, it takes four to six whole blood donations to produce a single therapeutic dose.

Many patients who need platelets are undergoing chemotherapy or organ transplant and have weakened immune systems. A platelet dose from a single donor reduces the patient’s exposure to multiple donors and is therefore preferred by many physicians.

From Suzy: REMINDER ON BLOOD DRIVE, plus, a giveaway!
The blood drive is ONE WEEK AWAY!!!!!!! Hope we will see you all there!!!!!!! I'd love to see about 150 people at least! Challenge: BRING A FRIEND!
FREE Scentsy Basket to a lucky attendee!!! Sign up when you arrive and you don't have to be present to win!! 

12/25 - Blessed Christmas!

From Momma:
-Juls had several Secret Santas this year she enjoyed unwrapping all her gifts. She soon got weak and tired and I took her temp and it was right around 100. It has since gone down to 99.4 so as long as it doesn't spike to 101 or 100.4 for an hour then we will stay home.
She missed some of Christmas at Papa's but is now feeling a little better and wants to go.
Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who made her Christmas a little brighter

From Grandpa David:
-Today has been a very special day for us. Julia was able to be home for Christmas thanks to her nurse being able to come and open her lines both of them had clotted shut Julia also began running a low grade fever. Her nurse came and got her tubes open again so Rachel could give her the med. she was needing. Also her fever came back down some and if it stays where it is now she will get to stay at home. We had most of our family here and celebrated the wonderful blessing that God had given us our smiling laughing Julia we all enjoyed seeing her shining nose watching Scooby Doo and the fellowship of family. Andrew gave the thanks for our meal and he did a wonderful job he is quite the young man!! Julia finally starting wearing out on us so Rachel and Richie rounded the crew and took her home to rest then others began leaving as well, our day was winding down but each of us were giving thanks for being able to be together to praise God for the birth of His son Jesus Christ and the miracle that He has granted our family. Thank you Lord for this wonderful day!!!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

12/24 - Homeward bound, Merry Christmas!

From Momma:
-We had a nice evening but its becoming threatened by a low grade fever if it rises during the night then back we go.
I tried to administer her IV meds she needs for her white blood cells but both her lines are clogged meaning I can't give her meds. Her lovely nurse is gonna come out tomorrow to try and unclog them.
We love our nurse!
Please pray for her fever to go away and counts to continue to rise!
She's resting now... and is my miracle. So wonderfully and beautifully made.
Thank you God for sending her to me

-Praise the Lord we are home!!!
So happy to be home but a little sad for the friends we left behind at the hospital. Still praying for Janet!

From Grandpa David:
-This Christmas is very special to all of our family we have been blessed in so many ways through each of you and all the nurses and doctors at Children's Hospital. We especially give thanks to God who sent us His Son Jesus that died on the cross for you and me. Tomorrow as we celebrate the birth of Jesus keep in your prayers all the sick children that won't be able to be home, also remember all the men and women of our Armed Forces as they are away from their families to protect our rights of this great nation. From all of our families to all of yours we thank you for all your prayers and support and wish you a merry Christmas!!!

-Julia is getting her blood transfusion and platelet transfusion and will get to come home later this afternoon she will be home for Christmas thank you Lord for yet another miracle!!!!!!!!!!

 -Amazing news Julia already has Anc count of 25 this morning usually it is days before her counts come back so there is still hope that she might come home today or tomorrow. Rachel will talk with doctors soon.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

12/23 - Making the news, no counts.

From Momma:
-Channel 13 KRCG will air their 3rd story about Julia at 5:00 tomorrow
They were able to interview her dr.
I pray we are home to see it
Please please pray she gets some white blood cells its the only thing keeping us here!
She feels good and fever is gone. Thank you for all the prayers
God has been amazing and is amazing

-Juls has no white blood cells. They dropped yesterday. I know what this means......
:0 ( :0 ( :0 (

From Grandpa David:
-Miss Juls has been in a good mood today I believe she really enjoys having the whole family there with her. Since her white blood counts have bottomed out it looks like she will have to be in during Christmas. Looks like Santa will have to be busy a little later this year to pick up the Little Angels not able to be home. We are going to bring our Christmas meal to them and celebrate together the most wonderful gift that God has given us. Praise the Lord for the miraculous healing he has given Julia. This will be a Christmas of a lifetime. Thank You Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 23, 2013

12/22 - 40 > 0!

From Momma:
-Her ANC is still 40 an no fever since yesterday! So the drs believe that her numbers are going up if she continues to be fever free and her counts keep going up we may be home for Christmas.!!!

From Grandpa David:
-Miss Julia was sitting on the bed today as we visited her. Her fever is already gone and her ANC level has stabilized at 40 and shows signs that it may be ready to go back up. If this does we may have her home for Christmas yet. I saw Janet sitting on her bed watching TV she has to stay in her room and can't have visitors right now and Mary was on the next floor down also stuck in her room. Let's all pray that by another miracle again that they all might be able to get right back out. Julia was sure happy to have the rest of the kids there with her. Praying for all of them.

From Grandma Mary Ann:
-When I got to the hospital this afternoon, Juls and Daddy were watching The Santa Claus. Mom and Ahna had made a McDonald's run. Julia was happy and talking. She still isn't eating, but she tries. Nothing seems to taste good to her. She's still drinking her sweet tea, though. We praise God for all he has done for Julia. We pray she will continue to improve and be home for Christmas. Julia and I had quite a few tea parties, played farmer, hospital, and Lion King in the past couple of weeks, and she even stayed the night with me. She told me that was the "best night ever." We all want to thank everyone for the prayers and support. God is Great. We continue to pray for Juls' friends Janet and Mary and hope they will be able to go home soon. Thank you again.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

12/21 - Everyone back at the hospital

From Momma:
-Princess is back in hospital praying her fever goes down stays down and her counts go up. Being in here stinks anyways but at Christmas that really stinks. Shes feeling pretty good. Pray for her, Janet and Mary. Pray that their fevers go away (Mary's flu) pray that God will touch them and we can celebrate Christ's birthday at home. Pray that God removes Janet's and Mary's cancer as he has removed Julia's cancer. Praise the Lord for all He has done for Julia.

From Grandpa David:
-Julia is on her way back to Children's her fever has shot up praying they will just give her antibody and send her back home, but Rachel and Richie has taken their bags along planning on being there for a few days darn it. I just saw on here that Janet is back also I hope her stay will be short as well.

Friday, December 20, 2013

12/20 - Cycle 3, Round 2, Day 1: Home for Christmas?

From Momma:
-Juls before her chemo and transfusion. She had a good day and seems to be doing really well.
She is however getting a few blisters in her mouth which we can manage as long as she doesn't get fevers. Praying we stay home and can spend Christmas at home.

From Grandpa David:
-Julia had to go in to Childrens this morning for her Van Kristen treatment and a transfusion. She is starting to get some blisters in her mouth so she's not wanting to eat, but she is trying to eat some soft things , just have to find what she can handle. This evening she had put on her striped dress that she likes so well and I held on to her hand so she could dance and twirl she counted her five fingers so I had to twirl her 5 times then she staggered around falling against the bed laughing the whole time she was having a great time and it was so nice hearing her laugh. I pray that Janet and Mary are doing better as well as all the other children. Our Lord is working miracles through these young angels.

Reminder from Suzy about the blood drive:

JANUARY 2, 2014 – Only a week and ½ away!! It’s the Dedicated Blood Drive in Honor of Miss Julia!
***ALL presenting donors/helpers will get a chance to win a Scentsy Gift Basket! :)
I can’t wait to see how many people come out and at least TRY to give blood! Can’t give blood? That’s ok!!! We need volunteers to bring items and possibly work for a little while that day. NO you won’t be taking people’s blood…we will leave that up to the professionals! And you if you can’t give blood and you are unable to help by working or being there that day; you can help us by RECRUITING DONORS!!!
As Miss Julia said in a video from December 4th, “God made my cancer go away!” We all were witnesses to the Christmas miracle God gave us. Let’s all help make another miracle happen and get over 100 units of blood collected and save many, many lives!!

12/19 - Turtle power :)

From Grandpa David:
-Just finished talking with Rachel. Julia will be going in tomorrow for her Van Kristine treatment and a blood transfusion. Her nurse was here today and did blood work. Her ANC level is still above where it needs to be, so far so good. We're praying that her counts stay up and fever stays away. When I picked the kids up for school I was meet at the door by a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Julia was decked out in ninja turtle jammies and was waving her make believe sword at me. I all most had to run back out the door. So thankful that she is still feeling so good now if we can just getting her eating better.

12/18 - Look Mom, no eyebrows

From Momma:
-Julia wearing Janet's wig.
She looks cute
The other day she was in the bathroom and screamed.
"Mom my eyebrows are gone and I have one eyelash glued in"
Sweet thing had no idea those fell out as well.
I can't wait til this is all over and her sweet curls all come back.
Half way there

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

12/17 - Starting to feel the chemo

From Momma:
-Juls is having a good day! Not eat much but she is drinking. Please pray she stays fever free!!! Pray God protects her as she goes through chemo.

She was so sweet as she prayed she asked god to take Janet's cancer out of her brain and Mary's cancer out of her blood and thanked Him for taking her cancer away!

From Grandpa David:
-Miss Julia is starting to have some of the effects of this last chemo not eating and not wanting to drink says her teeth hurt. We now know this is part of the cycle of this treatment, but it still doesn't make it any easier. Even though she wasn't feeling that great this morning she still managed to put on that big smile and laugh and was throwing kisses her shining light still shines bright for the world to see. Praying these side effects won't be so severe on her this time.

12/16 - Dancing queens home!

From Momma:
-Playing dress up!

From Grandpa David:
-Our little dancing divas have all made it back home. I am so thankful and praying that they continue to do well. It was a truly uplifting time being there and enjoying the happiness they all shared. I am so glad that the lives of these little angels have touched so many and brought so many together to see the unconditional love of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

12/15 - Cycle 3, Round 1, Day 3: Red Devil? Nah, movies!

From Momma:
- Juls is doing so good!
No one would know she had "red devil" chemo today!
Please continue to pray that she handles this round like the last and the Lord will protect her body!

-Thanks to my Great Reflection family not only did they have an awesome fundraiser for Juls but they sent me a sweet card filled with gift cards!
You ladies are so sweet and I'm so glad to work with such great ladies!!

Movie time for the girls courtesy of Becky H.

From Grandpa David:
- After all the joy of yesterday I don't know how to follow up after that!!! Julia is back home again and so far she is doing great. I heard that little Janet was also going home today and that Mary would be going home tomorrow. Praise the Lord for all three of these little angels and their families may they all have a wonderful Christmas. Praying that God will continue to look after all the sick children during their struggles that they may too be home with their families. Special thanks to all of the staff at Children's Hospital without them none of this would be possible it takes a very special person to be able to take care of these kids when they are down and sick they help comfort the families during these trying times. They are God's angels sent to perform His miracles!!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

12/14 - Cycle 3, Round 1, Day 2: Chemo Party

My little Janet  had a wig made with her own
hair prior to cancer treatments starting. The
girls had fun wearing Janet's hair!
This had become such a blessing... these girls
doing this journey together. -Laura P.
From Momma:
- Video of  Grandpa David doing the "Jungle Boogie" with the girls during the chemo dance party today!
Juls (in the purple) is talking to her friends
Mary and Janet. They were comparing
colors of their chemo.

- Video of the girls during the chemo dance party rocking it out

- Another dance party video courtsey of Becky H!

-Juls is between chemos right now but she is doing really good right now!
Please pray that she doesn't get fevers as her counts drop over the next week also please pray that God puts a shield of protection around her body as she gets her chemo. That He will protect her from all the side effects of the chemo.
I pray that we will be home for Christmas!
Praise God for the miraculous healing he gave Julia!!
To God be the glory!!!
Slumber party!!

From Grandpa David:
-A afternoon to remember. Three friends Julia, Mary and Janet Laughing together having a party the nurses came in and asked them if they needed anything for their party and right away they all wanted apple juice then they said we need something to eat so they brought them a whole bag of suckers and their apple juice and a couple of other flavor drinks. Then they brought the TV with dance videos in and then the party really got rocking. We even had parents of other children coming down to the room to see what all the excitement was all about some even were videoing them as well. So nice to see such happiness brought to these sweet angels. I hope everyone can see these pics and videos of these three having such a great time. Julia finally got wore out and fell asleep for a nap before supper because these three were going to have a pizza party for supper Rachel asked them what they liked and was calling out for delivery pizza. God's work can be seen here with these three and I can only pray that He touches all the other children that are there as well. This will be a afternoon I will cherish!!!!

12/13 - Cycle 3, Round 1, Day 1: God is bigger

From Momma:
-More proof that God healed Juls. ... a whole panel of drs have never seen anything like this before. A child with stage 4 cancer and after 2 cycles of chemo its all gone.
They have never ever seen this before!!!
She is a rare case they said.
I reminded them my God is bigger then her cancer
We are continuing with chemo at this time to clean up any micro cells.
Praise be to God!!!

From Grandpa David:
This is a picture of my niece's daughter, Mary with some
new friends at the hospital. Julia is one of her new friends.
~~Irene K.
-3 Yr. old Julia with stage 4 cancer and after a few rounds of chemo and a continuous prayer chain praying and asking God to lift her up and heal her body, and now we have Julia with clear scans and her body free of cancer. Doctors telling Rachel and Richie that they have never seen anything like this before, all I can tell them they have just witnessed a miracle the healing power of God. I can't wait to see what God has in store for Julia I know he has a bigger plan. I believe she is already doing God's work by bring all of us closer together and closer to Him. Thank You Lord for all the blessings you have given to our family!!!!!!! Julia has started her chemo this evening and we are praying that with her being stronger this time that she will be able to keep her counts up.

12/12 - Happy adoption day, Kenzie!

From Grandpa David:
-Mom and Dad are getting everything ready to go back to the hospital in the morning they will meet with doctors at 9:00 then hopefully get started with Juls chemo around 10:00. Praying this goes well and since her body is stronger that it will not bring her down so bad that she may be home for Christmas. Julia has been doing great and we are praising the Lord for each and every day. Great news we now have another Stone in the family. Officially that is McKenzie's adoption went through today I told her this morning now she's stuck with me for a longggggggggggg timeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I called her after it was over and she was excited.

12/11 - Making it official!

From Momma:
-Tomorrow is a very exciting day for our family! We will be adopting our oldest daughter Mckenzie! We waited 2 1/2 years for this day!
Such a good week Julia's cancer gone and finalizing the adoption!
The Lord has blessed us!!

12/10 - More good news!

From Grandpa David:
-Rachel received call from doctor in charge of Julia's cancer team and she told her that they would all be meeting tomorrow along with Dr. McDonald the surgeon to discuss exactly what treatments will still be needed for Julia. They will meet with us Friday morning before they start Julia's chemo to let us know what the future holds for treatments. Julia has been doing so good and her counts are still very high we are praying that this round of chemo will go a lot easier on her that she can be home for Christmas. Julia is our Christmas miracle!!!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

12/9 - More awesome news

From Momma:
-This was Juls leaving the Dr's office (Click here for the HAPPY video!)

-Surgery will still be January 3rd to remove damaged bone where it started and another 17 rounds of chemo to kill any micro cells
The dr couldn't find any cancer in her body but is assuming there is micro cells

-God is so amazing
Julia's mass in her leg is actually gone!!
There is no evidence of disease in her body

From Grandpa David:
-This afternoon was so amazing we got to the Doctor appointment and they said they needed more xrays. Rachel and Richie took Juls across the hall to have them done. As soon as they got back we were taken back to a exam room the nurse acted excited then the Dr. McDonald came in he is the doctor who actual found the cancer in Julia's leg and will be the one doing her surgery. He brought up her x ray from August and showed us the mass in her leg it was huge I couldn't believe the size of it. Then he brought up today's picture we all just starred at it it was "GONE" he pointed to a tiny speck right next to the bone and said maybe 2% LEFT HE ACTUALLY CALLED IT RESIDUAL CANCER. Meaning the original mass was gone, then he showed us more of the bone itself and it looked good except one little spot where the cancer actually started. He said the small section of bone will be removed to be sure it was all out. He then showed us the lung pictures before and after pic. one it was there and next "GONE" then he did the same with the Liver it showed fairly large black spot then today nothing there. The over whelming Joy and relief was exciting. Rachel knew it would be ,but even she had to ask me did I hear him right!!!Yes Rachel God took her Cancer away!!!!!! Praise God for giving Julia Life to show the world his Loving and Healing power!!!!! Julia and I skipped out of there singing HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!! All of us couldn't wait to get on our phones to spread the wonderful news.

12/8 - Papa's 6th Birthday!

From Momma:
-Papa Dave's birthday.
All we had was a 6 candle...lol

From Grandpa David:
-Had a wonderful birthday went to Chinese restaurant for dinner and all my girls were there. After dinner Julia and Andrew came home with us Andrew started watching a movie while Julia and I played it was great. Rachel called later she had made a cake so we loaded up and went to their house I got to have some birthday cake today!! Tomorrow we will meet with Dr. to find out just what they are going to do with her leg. Thanking the Lord for all these great days we are having with our angel!!

12/7 - Continuing to give thanks

From Grandpa David:
-Wow so many birthdays and I missed it all darn hope you all saved me a piece of cake. Julia is doing so amazing. Happy little angel enjoying herself with all the rest of the kids. Monday will be a meeting with Dr. McDonald to find out more about Julia's surgery for Jan. 3rd hopefully find out a little more on just what they will do. Giving thanks for another beautiful day even if it is a little cool take and cherish it with someone you love. Continue to pray and lift up all these sick children that the Lord can lay His healing hands on them and heal each and everyone.

12/6 - Fifth birthday for everyone!

From Momma:
-So Juls wanted to pretend it was her 5th bday! We had to make a cake and everything!
I'll celebrate her everyday if she wants.
But then she wanted to sing to all her siblings

-We had a great day today. Juls loves it when her siblings are home from school. They played and played. She decided to pretend it was her 5th bday so we made a cake with candles and everything. She finally passed away out on the couch.
It's so nice to be home and not in the hospital. Her counts are up and she's doing great. Although her taste changed so much the only things she wants is sugar :0/
Thank you for the prayers
Continue to pray that the next round won't knock her down.

From Grandpa David:
-Yesterday evening Julia told me if we got any snow she was going to throw snow balls at me. So I stopped early this morning and they were eating breakfast and I had made a snow ball and took it in with me the look on her face when she saw it like "OH NO Paw Paw Has A SNOW BALL" it was so cute. I threw it in the sink put that started something she wanted to go out and get snow for me then. Mommy told her no it was too cold and she didn't want to take any chance of her getting sick so I went back out and made another and gave it to her then I ran in bathroom where she threw it at me and picked it back up and did it again. She was happy she got to throw her snowball.

12/5 - Miracles at work

From Momma:
-Thank you to everyone who has prayed for Julia. The Lord has heard every cry from us!
I do ask you continue to pray for her. Although we have a major victory her battle is far from over!
She will go in next Friday for her weekend chemo and in the past 5 days after she goes back in for 10 day with fever and low counts. That would put us there on Christmas. Pray that she stays strong and doesn't get fevers after her next round. Pray for mouth sores to stay away and we can be home for Christmas.
She will have surgery on January 3rd followed shortly with more chemo. She has about 5 more months of chemo. Which will be changing to more of the rough kind "red death." Its protocol!
So we have victory in Jesus!
My daughter was given 20% chance at survival ! The drs said they would try to get it out of her lungs.....
My God took it out of her lungs, liver, lymph nodes, bone marrow and soon he'll use the drs to finish removing it out of her leg.
What a glorious day it will be when shes 100 % cancer free.

From Grandpa David:
-Scan results yesterday showed the miracle at work in Julia and now this afternoon we hear back that all her blood counts are way up even more blessing for this little angel. Thank you Lord for all the blessing you have bestowed upon us.

-Got to the store a little late this morning. Jamie and Rachel were going to McDonalds with the kids and wanted to know if I was coming also (Well Yeaaa)!! Ahana started playing on play set so I sat down on the bottom step to make sure she didn't fall and the next thing I knew Myah was up there too and then Julia wanted to play to and we played horses Julia was Rainbow horse and Myah was Little bit and Ahna was littler bit and I was Paw Paw horse according to Juls . The back part where the netting is was their corral they played for a long time. Finally I told them I had to get to the store so Juls came up and rubbed heads like a horse does it was a very good morning Jaron was there to he just sat back laughing at me being in the play area. really I think he was just jealous because he couldn't play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From Aunt Jamie:
-Wonder who was having more fun? Silly papa :0)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


From Momma:

-The Lord has proven himself faithful and true!!
Our God is so great!!
Her lungs CLEAR
Her liver CLEAR
Her lymph nodes CLEAR
Her original mass shrunk from 10.4 cm to 5 cm in her leg
They will do surgery to cut out mass and she will be clean.
Cancer free!
They will continue chemo to clean up any microscopic cells
Please join me in praising our Lord
He has healed my daughter!

 From Grandpa David:
-Thank God For the Miracle that we have all just witnessed. God has a special purpose for this little angel and I believe he has used her to bring so many together. I can't stop smiling and can't get the word out fast enough!!! Our family can't begin to thank everyone for all your prayers and support that you have given to us. As of now Julia will be having surgery Jan. 3rd. on her leg to remove the last of the cancer from her body then we will have our Julia back. She will still continue to receive chemo to clean up any micro cells that may be left.

From Grandma Mary Ann:
-Thank you dear Heavenly Father - we give You praise for Your healing. Thank each and everyone for your prayers and support. It has meant so much to us. Our God Is So Great!


Celebrations videos from the kids!

God healed my cancer!

12/3 - Scans Day - Candlelight Vigil

From Momma:
-Strength will rise as we wait upon the lord.

-We are all finished
So now we wait

-"There is power here in this hour as we are waiting here as one" --Matt Maher
Praise God, praise God!!!
May God receive all the glory
It's my prayer at least one soul may be saved through our trials. That there is a greater purpose!
I'll post as soon as I get the call

From Grandpa David:
-Just talked with Rachel they just know finished scans. But it may be tomorrow or even the next day til we hear anything they will be several people looking at the scans.

12/2 - Pray without ceasing

From Grandpa David:
-The time is finally here for Julia's body scans and MRIs it seems like it has been forever waiting for this day to get here. Our faith and the love and healing power of our Lord will be seen by all with the miracle that will be done in our little angel. Prayers are being lifted up all over our country and candles being lit. Give God the praise and glory.

-Rachel shared this during our church service: While in the hospital it's so easy to get caught up in the "what ifs" and forget the reassurance that the Lord has given me. Not that I lost faith but seeing all those babies and hearing all those stories made my mind wonder what if she's not healed......Julia had a wonderful week of chemo. No nausea, no horrible side effects, and she ate pretty good. As I was holding her singing "Lord I Rest in You " because my soul was struggling and restless. I heard the Lord tell me....not in a whisper or a still voice but loud and clear......."My child, my child she will be healed!!"
I just sat there for a minute taking in what God had done. He rested my soul and took away every what if thought. He once again gave me that reassurance I needed!! I jumped up and told Richie what happened. We cried together and praised God!!! I know she will be healed! Not by my works or the drs but by the Lord!
With Julia's scans being tomorrow I wanted to share this. Julia had a good day spending time with the family and enjoying her McDonald's and Chinese.

From Aunt Jamie:
-Praying hard for you tonight princess!!! You are such an amazing and strong little girl! Love you all the way to heaven Black heart (cards)

From Cousin Sarah:
-To most people, tomorrow is just another Tuesday. For everyone who has been supporting Julia, we'll find out what the scans and MRI say. Hopefully, that she's been healed. The cancer is gone. She can be done with hospitals, and chemo and all the other things that no 3 year old should have to go through. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow. I hope everyone is ready to watch a complete miracle happen

Remember, January 2nd is the Blood Drive in Julia's honor. Suzy has a great post about why you should try to donate and what it can mean for so many. Read up about donating!

12/1 - Team Juls around the US

Team Juls around the US:

"Was sitting at Shoneys in Hattiesburg, MS and I was wearing my Team Juls shirt and a very nice couple approached me and asked if we were from Mo that they recognized my shirt come to find out they were from Jeff City, thought that was pretty cool, you are known all over Juls and on the 3rd you will be CANCER FREE" ~ From Donna R.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

11/30 - December 3rd scans on our minds

From Momma:
-Expecting clear scans Dec 3rd!!

From Grandpa David:
-One of the best post that I can give is that it has been a quiet and uneventful day!! Julia is still doing great still smiling and being the happy little girl we all want to see. She was doing so good Mommy even got to go and have a few hours without any kids to do some Christmas shopping. We are Thanking the Lord for each and every one of these days because that is one day closer to Julia being totally healed and what a glorious day that will be.

-Correction On my post I had Monday, but scans are on Tues Dec 3rd. Candlelight vigil is the day of scans on Tuesday.

11/29 - Christmas house

From Grandpa David:
-Julia had another good day spending time with Mom and Dad at home with her siblings. A trip to the Chinese restaurant was on tap during her busy schedule. Daddy put up Christmas lights on the house for her she wanted a Christmas House. I stopped after work and she was sitting on counter helping Mom make pancakes for supper. Praying for many good days like this. Jaron spent the day with me at the store we had a good time he even wants to come back tomorrow I enjoy spending time with my buddy. We are expecting a miracle on Tuesday when Julia has her full body scans and we will be having a candle light vigil all day 7:00 am to 7:00 pm Light a candle for Miss Juls wherever your at home, work, and pray without ceasing! . Spread the word!

11/28 - So much to be thankful for!

Videos of the family that will make you thankful for giggles 

From Grandpa David:
-I hope everyone had a wonderful day.

-Julia and the rest of our family got to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner at church today. Juls really enjoyed the turkey, then she started playing running and laughing she had several of us chasing her and playing even brother Kevin got in on the fun. We were getting ready to come back home and Julia and Aly wanted to come home with us well of course they can!! Shortly after we got home Tonyia, Sarah, and Jennifer came over and started playing with the girls you should have seen those girls laughing running giggling the afternoon just flew by. Hearing all the laughter in the house and seeing Julia feeling so good was a true Blessing Thank You Lord for these special memories!!!

From Cousin Sarah:
-Today was one of the best days of my life. If we could have frozen time for this afternoon, it would have been perfect :)

11/27 - Momma going offline for praise

From Momma:
-While in the hospital it's so easy to get caught up in the "what ifs" and forget the reassurance that the lord has given me. Not that I lost faith but seeing all those babies and hearing all those stories made my mind wonder what if she's not healed......Julia had a wonderful week of chemo. No nausea, no horrible side effects and she ate pretty good. As I was holding her singing "Lord I Rest in You " because my soul was struggling and restless. I heard the Lord tell me....not in a whisper or a still voice but loud and clear......."My child, my child she will be healed!!"
I just sat there for a minute taking in what God had done. He rested my soul and took away every what if thought. He once again gave me that reassurance I needed!! I jumped up and told Richie what happened. We cried together and praised God!!! I know she will be healed! Not by my works or the drs but by the Lord!
I have had several times in my life where I've heard the Lord and every time He's proven Himself to be true.
Her scans are now Dec 3rd so I'm praying that they will be clear. I will also be offline for a few days prior to her scans so I can spend that time praising God instead of being on Facebook. I'll post her results immediately after I find out.
Thank you to everyone

From Grandpa David:
-We all got to go to McDonalds this morning for breakfast. Julia was all smiles as well as the rest of the kids even Jaron. Julia had her usual pancakes and sweet tea. Richie worked today so when he got off they made a family night out to the movies. Jamie and Jaron are here visiting and Jaron is updating his Kindle. So nice having everyone home again. Jaron is doing really well after his surgery. A big thank you for all your prayers and from our family to yours we wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!


Team Juls cars at Blizzard Bash, thank you Josh and Cedric!

11/26 - Cycle 3, Round 1, Day 6 - Bustin' out!

From Momma:
-Eating popcorn while getting a blood transfusion. We'll be bustin out around 3:15

From Grandpa David:
-Kids are both now home. Julia finished up this afternoon and got to come home. She was sitting on the kitchen counter when I stopped by to see how she was doing. She looked up at me and gave me one of her big smiles it was so good seeing her in a good mood and feeling this good after finishing her round of chemo. Praise the Lord. Her scan now will be on Dec 3rd. Praying for amazing result we will find out after that what will be next in her treatments. Jaron was doing a little better today he even wanted to go to the Chinese restaurant for dinner. His older sister Courtney and I got to spend some time with him this evening he was in good spirits and playing games on his iPad. We give God the Praise and Glory for having all our family home for thanksgiving and looking forward to having Julia home for a few days!!!!

Candlelight vigil from 7 am to 7 pm on December 3rd in honor of Julia's family and her scan results! 

Monday, November 25, 2013

11/25 - Cycle 3, Round 1, Day 5 - Feeling playful

Specific prayer request of the day:
Please be in prayer for her scans now on December 6th and surgery on the 20th! Pray that she can be home after this treatment and pray that everyone can be home for Christmas.

From Momma:
-Juls and Ahna riding on Juls' pole! After chemo she ran the hallways and rode on her pole just a giggling the whole time. She's been in a good mood and doing so great. God's definitely holding her close. Thank you for all who are praying for her. Her appetite is down but she hasn't been sick.
Pray that her blood count doesn't bottom out and she doesn't catch anything. Shes such a happy happy happy girl. Please be in prayer for her scans now on December 6th and surgery on the 20th.

From Grandpa David:
-Jaron had a good night sleep last night even when I had to wake him up to give him his Med. he was in good mood he wasn't tossing and turning like the night before. He is having a problem of not eating and anyone that knows Jaron this is not normal he is also having trouble with bowl movements it may just be the meds. he's on. I asked him if he would be ok with Mom taking care of him so I could go see Julia and he said that he would be. I hurried home changed and went to see my other angel. I stopped and picked up her sweet tea and was able to get a order of pancakes. She was surprised to see me with it. Even though she was sitting on Grandma Mary Ann eating pancakes and drinking sweet tea so we put mine in fridge for later. We went to Ronald McDonald room and she went walking down hallway just swinging her arms having a great time laughing giggling so thankful this round is going so well. We went to therapy room so she could do some different exercises she did really well there then back to her room to start her chemo treatment this is the last one for this round then her 24 hr. flush and back home again. Yeaaaaa!! This thanksgiving will be extra special having both grand kids back home Thank You Lord for all your blessings you have given our family.

11/24 - Cycle 3, Round 1, Day 4, Chemo upped

From Grandpa David:
-Jaron had a really rough first night at home hoping today and tonight will be better. I heard they upped the chemo on Julia yesterday and Rachel said she could tell a change in her right away she's more grumpy praying this will pass very quickly and get our bubbly Juls back.

11/23 - Cycle 3, Round 1, Day 3, Grandpa's Update!

From Grandpa David:
Jaron finally made it he was able to pee and just in the nick of time nurse's were heading into his room to put catheter back in when Jaron said let me try one more time and success yeaaaa. He did good last night , but was in some pain this morning they gave him pain med. and told us we were free to go. He did well with the ride home and even walked into the house by himself. It didn't take long for him to wear out. Jamie fixed him some supper and then I put him in bed and now he's sleeping. He wants me to stay he feels safer with me lifting him from bed and from chairs. I believe he was happy to be back home. Julia was doing great this morning I went and made a McDonalds run and brought her some sweet tea and pancakes when I walked in with them you should have seen the smile on her face. She ate them and then her daddy got there and he had some so she ate some more then she went to Ronald McDonald Room and had some Roman noodles good to see she hasn't lost wanting to eat. She' still laughing and giggling she even has other kids coming to her room to see her. Wonderful I believe God is using this angel to touch so many of us. She gets down but never broken she comes back even stronger. Thank you Lord for giving us such a blessing in our lives.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

11/22 Cycle 3, Round 1, Day 2 - Jaron and Juls update

Juls ~ From Momma Rachel:
-Juls singing a care bear song
"Growing up is some thing you can treasure happens everyday"
She has no idea how right she is. So many on this floor will never have that privilege. Juls is doing so good please keep praying for her.

Jaron ~ From Momma Jamie:
-He did it!!!!! Thank God! The catheter was getting ready to go back in! Thanks for the prayers 
-This may sound crazy but please pray for Jaron to pee. He hasn't went on his own since surgery and they r beginning to get concerned.
-Mommy doing what she does best. Jaron getting his hair washed
He seems to be doing better today

From Grandpa David:
-Jaron is doing so good hard to believe the difference between yesterday and today. He has been out of bed most of the day we did a long walk. He felt so good we got the ok to go see Julia. He had to use a wheel chair to go to see her being it was so far and we were there for awhile. Julia was so happy to see him she laughter and giggled and we even got our pic. taken by Rachel. Juli
a is doing good also so happy to see both of them smiling and laughing. Jaron is doing so good he might get to go home tomorrow. Thank You to everyone for all your prayers and for lifting our family up.

11/21 Cycle 3, Round 1, Day 1 - Disappointing scan news - Pray for Jaron

From Momma:
-Juls opening a gift today. She wore that smile all day.
She seems to be doing very well.
Scans are now on the 6th and surgery the 20th...not sure what kind of surgery yet. ..but it's scheduled! :0/ I pray we are home for Christmas!!!

-Good news: Juls is having a party, she's feeling great and eating great!
Not so good news: they moved her scans to December......boo
They want to give this round a chance to work!
They don't understand that God already has!

-Started the day off with pancakes now off to children's for chemo

From Grandpa David:
-Jaron had a very rough night we could not get him comfortable and he had a lot of pain. Pain management team came in and changed some Med. and finally got him to sleep around 5:00 am doctors started making rounds at 5:45 so not much sleep. We got Jaron up twice today and second time he did really well. He took a long nap afterwards. He just got his first food a few mins ago and gobbled it down. Hoping tonight goes much better. Julia made it here this morning and she brought my sweet tea. I told her that I would share it with her, so we have been enjoying it together. She is doing really good and is getting her second chemo med. now I just went and saw her and she said why don't you stay a while Paw Paw. Told her I had to go and check on Jaron and would be back. Got word that they are pushing her scans back to Dec 6th and possible surgery on Dec 20th. Praying that the scans come back clean and no surgery will be needed at all. Please pray for all the children here that God reach out and touch every one and heal their bodies back to health.

11/20 - Thinking of Jaron and Lilly

From Momma:
-Julia had a great day yesterday She's so smiley and happy.
I saw on fb a little girl named Lilly Bumpus beat her cancer and 3 months later it may be back. My heart broke as I know this cancer has a very high recurrence rate. So yesterday I prayed and prayed for Lilly and Julia. Julia and I sang songs. Its all in God's hands. I truly believe that the Lord will heal Juls. I have confidence in the lord that he hears my cries and shell be healed. I do still however get scared and heartbroken. It's then especially I sing songs like "How Great is Our God" and "Lord I Need You Now"

From Grandpa David:
-We just got moved to the 10th floor so much more room feels like were in the Hilton. Jaron is doing good it is hard for him to get comfortable wanting to turn over a lot. He sat up in a chair for about 15 mins. Tomorrow we hope to get him drinking and eating some. Maybe even try getting him to stand up. Continued prayers for a speedy recovery. Looking forward to seeing Julia in the morning just wish it wasn't here. Julia is going to bring Paw Paw sweet tea in the morning Little sweetheart got to Love her snuggle time tomorrow!!!!!!

-Jaron had a restful night for the most part. They were worried about his blood pressure being to low and was going to put another Iv in even though they had him sedated he still had the ability to fight them and they aborted those plans for fear he was going to rip his other tubes out he even pulled one of his arm restraints loose. We finally got him calmed back down and he rested till morning. They just removed his breathing tube and is breathing ok on his own. They are still talking about trying to get him out of bed today not so sure how that will go. Julia has a dentist appointment this morning so happy she is doing so good. I will get to see her in the morning when she gets back down here.

11/19 - Surgery day for Jaron

From Momma:
-Juls singing Lord I Need You by Matt Maher. Our favorite song

From Grandpa David:
-Jaron is all done and everything went well. He is in PICU and they are going to keep him sedated tonight so he can rest and breath easier. Jaron tries to pull his breathing tubes out and that's why he will be sedated. Doctors told us surgery went good and that they were able to straighten his spine even more this time then they did 2 yrs. ago. They fused his spine and put bigger rods in this should be his last surgery on his back. Thank the Lord for that. We got to go back and see him a few mins. ago. He looks so peaceful laying there right now I hope he will do ok tomorrow when they bring him back awake. sounds like we will be here tomorrow and if things go as expected he will move to a room Thursday. They still are hoping that he might go home in about 5 days. I just talked to Rachel and sounds like Julia is still eating everything in site. Maybe we can put some meat back on her bones before Thur. Missing my snuggles with Juls will have to double time when she gets back down here. Thank You Lord Jesus for being here and wrapping your comforting arms around us as we sit here and wait for Jaron's recovery.

From Aunt Stephanie:
-I'm feeling blessed today. It's been a day full of smiles. Myah and Breydan spent the night and Myah woke up with a big smile on her face and was smiley all morning. I just got back from lunch with Rachel, Ahna, and Juls at the Chinese restaurant (of course:)) and they were full of smiles. It's so good to see Juls happy, smiling and giggling again. I'm praying she stays this way. I'm also praying for Jaron as he is now in surgery. It's definitely a wonderful day full of God's blessings!

11/18 - Junkin for Juls, praying for Jaron

From Momma:
-It amazes me how people hear about Juls and immediately go into action to help her! The Joshua Wagner family has done so much and a special thank you to the Blizzard Bash derby family. We are so blessed to have such wonderful people in our life!!

From Grandpa David:
-Another wonderful day with the kids. Julia and Myah were quite the duo this morning at McDonalds. Julia almost ate everything in site today which is a blessing in itself. Julia had a very good day playing we got to spend a little time with her this evening Grandma got snuggle time and Juls looked at me like Ha Ha I said hey you she giggled and finally gave me some snuggle time too. Josh and Tonya came over this evening and gave Juls a big check she modeled her Junkin For Juls shirt and held her big check with a smile from ear to ear. Special Thanks to Josh Wagner and Tonya and all the Derby families for all that you all have done for Juls and our family. Blizzard Bash was awesome and the support truly amazing. Sarah and Jennifer can't wait to see all the great pictures. Please continue to pray for Jaron as he is about to have his back surgery in the morning he will have to be there at 5:45 his surgery will take about 6 hrs. I will be there with him this week so the store will be closed. I asked Juls if she was going to bring me a sweet tea to the hospital and she says maybe Thur Paw Paw that girl!!!!! Gotta Love her thank you Lord for blessing me with such a wonderful family and so many friends!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Better days and derby!

From Momma:
-Juls loves our Chinese restaurant so much its the only Chinese she'll eat!!! Tony and Wendy are so kind and are keeping Juls nice and full!!
Richie just made his second trip up there today. Had to get extra since they are closed tomorrow! So glad she's eating

-Juls bday is January 25th she just wanted me to make her bday pancakes last night.
She is so happy today! Full of smiles, hugs, kisses, laughs and love!
Today is so amazing! Truly a gift from God

From Grandpa David:
-I Love to be posting about these wonderful days after having to post about those heart breaking days. Juls is back our angel that we know and love. She has been eating everything in sight she ate so much Chinese today that Richie had to go back for a refill so she can have some tomorrow since they are closed on Mondays. She has been smiling and laughing we stopped by this evening and when she saw me she was giggling looked at Rachel and said I told you Paw Paw would come here to see me, that I didn't have to go to his house. She got down from the table and came over to snuggle with me on the couch even Grandma Carol got some snuggle time. This has been a blessing from God and we give Him the thanks. We also got to spend the afternoon with Jaron we told him we would take him anywhere he wanted to go for lunch before his surgery and he wanted steak Texas Roadhouse, so road trip to St. Louis yummy lunch then while we were down there already we had to go to Ted Drews for dessert. Jaron was one happy boy so was Paw Paw too. LOL Please remember Jaron in your prayers he will be having his back surgery on Tuesday Lord lift him up and the drs. and nurses as they operate to fix his spine and heal Jaron that he won't have to go through anymore of these surgeries. We have seen your healing hands at work with Julia and ask you Lord to lay these healing hands on Jaron. I ask this in Jesus name Amen.

-Juls is having a good day so far she had a bowl of cereal for breakfast then went to McDonalds for pancakes then to church. and I wouldn't be surprised if she's not at Chinese now she even took pancakes to go home for later she has to make up for 2 weeks of not eating. Love it and Love her smiles.

We will have a complete post with derby photos and a huge list of thank yous, because the support was phenomenal! For tonight, this is a photo of Joshua Wagner (FTS Racing #44W) accepting the check from derbytees.com and the Ultimate Derby donations.  Josh and Tonya especially did so much for Juls this weekend and we appreciate it more than we could ever say. THANK YOU!

11/16 - Pancakes, fries and praise

Birthday pancakes at 10:00 ?
Why not
From Grandpa David:
-Julia got up and was ready for McDonalds and she ate some pancakes and enjoyed her sweet tea. As they were leaving she said "Mommy I want to go have Chinese." Rachel said, "You just ate and they're not open we have to wait a little while," so they picked up Mckenzie from her friend's house and then they went for Juls Chinese. LOL at least she wanting to eat. Yeaaaaa. Then she wanted to go to Wal Mart. I stopped by the house on my way home and she was helping Mommy make cookies she looked up and gave me her big smile and then started laughing, little stinker knows how to get to Paw Paw's heart. I know she's feeling better because she doesn't want to stay home. She wanted to go to Texas Roadhouse for supper Rachel said they will be closed by the time we would get there. Juls said ok let's go to McDonalds for some French fries Rachel called me and I told her to get them and bring her to our house and Juls said yes that would be good, as thye pulled in Juls fell asleep she was tired so they went back home. :0( I had several people come by the store to check on Juls and letting me know they are keeping us in their prayers. Thank you for that. I had a little girl about Juls age came up and gave me a big hug and said she couldn't wait for Juls to get better so we can have a celebration at a park so they could play together. She had come in with her mom and grandma to meet Paw Paw Dave I enjoyed visiting with them and hope they come in again. Remember to give God the praise and glory for all that he has done. I can't wait for tomorrow to see Julia at church in the morning it has been a while since she has been able to go.

-Good job Joshua Wagner has made it to the feature at Blizzard Bash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11/15 - Transfusion and derby departures

From Momma:
-Juls got an antibody transfusion today. Kinda like blood only it's antibodies. So hopefully she'll kick this virus and won't get admitted so often. She'll get this transfusion every other month.

From Grandpa David:
-Picked up Aly and Andrew from school and took them to the store with me. Jamie called and wanted to know what we were going to do for supper, bet you can't guess where we went yep Chinese met her and Myah and Breydan there. We were getting ready to leave when phone rang it was Rachel she said they had just got back from the hospital. Julia had an antibody transfusion this afternoon and almost as soon as she did she started feeling better, and now she wanted to come and have Chinese also. We waited for them to get there and I was so surprised at how much better she looked she even ate some food and then wanted ice cream. Special moment was when she looked up at me and said I need some snuggle time and got out of her chair and crawled up on my lap and snuggled looking up at me smiling. We even got to have a pic. with Grandma Carol she was laughing and cutting up I was so happy to have our Juls back. Giving God the praise and glory for raising up our little Juls. Julia will have these antibody transfusions every other month it will keep her built up better and she shouldn't have to be in the hospital as much. Her chemo has now been moved to Thur. to let her build up more strength. She is already looking forward to going to McDonalds and going to Walmart in the morning.

-More Team Juls Cars headed for Blizzard Bash!! Safe Trip for all.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Chemo postponed and FTS Racing/Team Juls on the road

From Momma:
-Juls had her blood redone since there was a problem at the lab. Her numbers are better although ANC is now too high....but platelets still a tad low will start chemo Tuesday same day as Jaron's surgery. I think she needs the weekend to rest.

From Grandpa David:
-Took Julia her sweet tea this morning and she was still in bed I sat down next to her but she wasn't in a good mood. I tried to talk to her but she wasn't interested. She went to the Chinese restaurant for lunch but didn't eat much she took some along so she could have it for supper. Rachel brought Julia and Ahna past the store to see me I tried to rock Juls but all she wanted was Mommy :( We found out they had made a mistake on Juls blood work yesterday and had to come and do it over again. Good news her counts were better than they thought, but some counts are still to low for them to start chemo. They have pushed her chemo back to Tuesday. At least she will have a chance to rest up and get stronger. I stopped by this evening and they were eating supper Julia was sitting on a chair next to the TV cabinet trying to hide I acted like I didn't see her and asked where's Julia all of a sudden she said here I am I acted like I was surprised she started laughing and giggling with a big smile, it was so nice to see her happy again. Thank You Lord for giving me that moment it was special.

-I had a chance to see the Juls Derby car that Joshua Wagner has been building for Blizzard Bash last night. It is one mean looking car this is the first time I have seen one of these type derby cars and the work and time he put into it is unbelievable "WOW". They are leaving this morning and I Pray for a safe trip They will be representing Team Juls and I can't Thank them enough for everything they have done for her. Blizzard Bash is the largest indoor derby in the Country and will be on PPV I am hoping to be able to watch it since we can't be there in person. Good Luck FTS Racing Team and Team Juls bring back a Victory for us. "GO TEAM JULS"

11/13 - Counts low, but Team Juls is on the move

From Momma:
-Just got a call from Juls team at Childrens her counts are to low to start chemo Friday. So now she has to wait until next week.

From Grandpa David:
-Our sweet Juls isn't popping back like she did last round. Her chemo is going to be pushed back a couple days to try and build her strength up. She needs another platelet transfusion and she is dehydrated. She's still not eating hardly anything, she did have me bring her some Chinese this evening but wasn't eating much. She still drinks her sweet tea, but that isn't enough. Smiles are hard to get I did get a couple and a giggle but really had to work for it. Praying that with a couple of extra days to rest she will return back to her bubbly self. Dear Lord please heal our little angel that the whole world may see your loving healing hands at work through her body!!!
Asking for all our prayer warriors for continued prayers.