About Me

Please join us to support a brave little girl in the fight of her life. Julia (Juls) Stone was recently diagnosed with and will BEAT stage four Ewing Sarcoma, a rare form of childhood bone cancer. She is a sweet and spunky little girl with a great deal of spirit. Her greatest champions are her mom and dad - Richie and Rachel. She is part of a loving Christian family made up of Richie, Rachel, 3 adopted children (Mackenzie, Ally, and Andrew) and two biological children (Julia and Ahnika). The family lives in southern Missouri and must travel to Children’s Hospital in St. Louis for Juls’ treatments. The medical and travel costs will be enormous so Team Juls is lending support in any way possible. We are rallying together to provide prayers, well-wishes and fundraising events. We aim to lend spiritual and emotional support and to ease the financial impact of medical/travel expenses for Juls' family during this tough time. Please join the fight with Team Juls!
There are a several ways to lend your support for Juls, so please reference the How You Can Help tab for more information. Thank you for your prayers all the support!

Monday, March 31, 2014

3/2 - 3/8 - Calling Team Juls to change the world - PRAYER WARRIORS!


From Momma:

-We finally had a date night. We had a good time at Immanuel dinner auction.
Thanks to Mary Stone for watching the kiddos.
Nice to sit and relax for a while

From Grandpa David:

-We had a good time at Immanuel dinner auction tonight and it was so nice to see Rachel and Richie getting to be able to relax and enjoy themselves for a evening. Thanks to Mary Ann for watching the kids so they could be there. I have been having a hard time seeing Miss Julia the last couple of days, each time I have stopped to see her she has been sleeping. So I just sat on the edge of her bed and looked at her and Thanked God for giving me this little moment with her and watch her sleep knowing the rest is helping her little body become stronger. Thank You Lord for taking her cancer away!! I would also like to Thank everyone that shaved their heads and all the people that helped with the St. Baldrick's fundraiser today to help the fight in childhood cancer with your help and dedication I pray that we can stop what this awful monster is doing to our kids.


From Momma:

-Chillin at the farm while Dad works. She has new tattoos on her head today.

3/5 -

From Momma:

-Juls is doing good. Shes full of energy still (so is Ahna) her counts are dropping already. She is feeling good and is happy.

She had some issues with toxicity last night. So hoping they can get next dosage correct. They want to give her as much chemo as possible. Only 10 rounds left. 5 in clinic and 5 inpatient!

Also I wanted to share a family with you. A 15 year old girl named Odessa had been battling cancer since she was 12. She just came to Children's from St. Jude cause they couldn't help her. In the last 3
years since she's been fighting she lost her mother and exactly one year later her brother passed in a car accident. Leaving her dad to care for her and her 3 other siblings. They also just got lost their home cause her dad could no longer afford it as he can barely pay the copays for the dr. Odessa is fighting her cancer hard and is starting a new treatment plan at Children's. Please, please Team Juls let's pray for her and her family like you all pray for Juls. It is because all of the prayers that God has his hands on Juls and protects her.

There is so much bad in this world so much hurt. There are a lot of good people also. I learned  through this journey that there is so much good to be done. So much love to be shown. As love and kindness have been done to us. And we will pay it forward hopefully every day. There is so much good to be done that there is no reason we should be sitting down doing nothing. With that Team Juls is going to be trying to help Odessa. Some way some how. Ideas are welcome.
Every day we need to show one another love just as Christ commands us.
God has opened my eyes to so much this week.

There are so many ways to show love to one another. We can change the world if we can get people to take time and think about how they are gonna show love today(to a stranger, friend, spouse, or a child battling) Team Juls let's change the world!!!!!

Thank you Thank you for all your constant prayers for Juls.
May all the glory be to God

From Grandpa David:

-Juls is back home safe and sound tonight!! This round has been one of the harder treatments she has had in a while. It already brought her blood counts down and she had to have a transfusion before she could come home. They raised her levels of chemo twice these last few days and has made her very emotional right now. We are so thankful this round is behind her now and looking forward to seeing the end come soon. Praise God for curing Julia and asking him to help her body to continue to handle all the chemo they are putting her through. Thank You Lord!!!!


From Momma:

-Juls sleeping.
We are submitting some videos of Juls to paramount for a video on child hood cancer awareness.
Juls is worth more then 3.8% of cancer funding.
She is worth more then a 15 year old protocol. She is worth more then this chemo made in the 50's

I have a gift.....The lord has healed my daughter completely. I asked
lord if you are willing heal my daughter. He said child I am willing.
God also uses medicine to heal. For that I pray for new advances. ..less poisoning for our children.
Child hood cancer is not rare if you think so come here on the 9th floor. These children are worth more then 3.8%


From Grandpa David:

-Jennifer did amazing job with this video of pics. and the song she used
fits it so well. We put Julia in Gods hands and God is a Loving God and a
healing God, and has taken her Cancer away.. Praise Him!! With all the
prayers and support from each and everyone of you has made this
possible and We Thank You. Julia is still doing good and is still
receiving her chemo. Getting closer to the end!!!

- Remember Richie's Mom Grandma Mary Ann she has been sick since Wed. I called her today and she sounded pretty bad. she is coughing sounds like she may have Bronchitis and is hoping she can get in to see the Doctor tomorrow. So please keep her in your prayers as well.

2/23 - 3/1 - More chemo, countdown to June!


From Momma:
- Juls and I played and played today. We played frozen.... I was Anna and she was Elsa and Ahna had to be the mom. We sang the songs and acted out the movie all day. Oh and Myah was Olaf the snowman.
Tomorrow she has a playdate with her very best friend Tara.
Juls counts are high!!
So she's all set for round 16 of chemo. Then only 10 left!!
Thank you Lord

- This is Juls' Papa Rich....he was losing his battle with cancer while juls was being consumed with it.
She comforted him. I believe hes watching over her from heaven. They had an amazing bond that will last a lifetime. Found this pic and had to share. We miss him every day.

From Grandpa David:
-Went and picked up the big kids at Rachel's and I couldn't find Julia. Then I saw a Duck Dynasty blanket on the couch start moving and giggling, so I slipped over and grabbed the cover and pulled it back. "Whattttt your hiding from me?" and she started laughing. So wonderful to see her big smile and laugh. Keep giving God all the praise for her miracle. She is such a example of God's Love!! 

Tiffy Jokes Representing Team Juls



From Grandpa David:
-Julia has been doing good these last few days, she still not wanting to eat much but we keep trying. She had a wonderful play date with her best friend Tara yesterday they both enjoyed their time together. Richie received a call that her counts are all doing good. Thankful for this since she will be going in Friday for her 6 day chemo treatment. Praying that her strength and numbers stay up and that her body handles the increased meds. Praise to the Lord for looking after our little Julia and all the other little angels being treated.


From Grandpa David:
-Julia is preparing for her journey back to Children's in the morning for another round of chemo this will be the long round and Andrew is going with her to help keep her company for a couple of days. She really enjoys it when some of the kids get to be with her. This will put us one step closer to the final goal. Praying that her numbers and counts continue to stay up, and for safe travel. Lord continue to lift Rachel and Richie up as they watch and hold Julia during this time of treatment. Keep in your prayers all the other children that are going through this fight Lord Bless each and every one of your children.

-Julia at the start of her journey Love you Baby Girl!!!!



From Momma:
-Please pray for Juls. They haven't started her chemo yet but this round they are increasing it twice. The ifosmide is what made her neurotoxic. I'm nervous but I know god has kept his hands on her. I still ask that you pray for her. This round could really suck


3/1 -

From Momma:
-Juls is getting chemo and love from her fav. cousin

-Juls did very good with her increased dose of chemo. They will increase it again tomorrow.
She ate half a donut and a bag of chips for brunch.
Shes drinking well.

It's March yay!! That means we are closer to June 20th!! Her last chemo treatment.
Ahna found a baby in the bath. She thought it was so funny

2/16 - 2/22 - CANCER FREE!


From Momma:
-She waiting for blood and platelet transfusion

-She's feeling good and we just got home. Long day but shes doing good.
Since she was feverish last 2 days we think that's when she bottomed out. So now its up from here.
Her ANC is 80. So praying its all up from here.
Next chemo is Feb 28th









From Momma:
- Jennifer Hollandsworth shes doing your crazy eyes
Praising God for His blessing and going into scans tomorrow with confidence that they are still cancer free

From Grandpa David:
-Giving God the praise for healing our little angel!! Looking towards the results again showing that all her cancer is gone, I can't hear this enough She is cancer free. Thank you, Lord. Tomorrow will be Julia's scans again.



From Momma:
-Busy day for Juls and boy is she crabby.
Her ANCis very low (25)
So hoping its on its way up. Praise the lord we are home and not admitted this time.
Juls had her ct scan MRI and bone scan but we haven't been told the results yet. Possibly tomorrow Friday .
I know that she is cancer free. I have prayed for this and god has heard and answered my prayers.
We aren't scared of scans!!!!


From Momma:

-Cancer free
Glory to God


-Waiting in killing me

From Grandpa David:
-Cancer Free-- Cancer Free--Cancer Free-- Praise the Lord I just Love getting to say that the power of Our Lord being shown through our little angel.




From Momma:
Shes been asleep since 3

Monday, March 24, 2014

2/15 - Walmart Heart Convoy

From Momma:
-Juls had a good day. She started off rough and not feeling well but she perked up when she got in ken nelsons Walmart truck. She had a great time with the Walmart convoy and all the awesome people there.
Later in the day we saw the Lego movie. After that she was done and fell asleep and ever since shes been fighting a fever.... not high enough to make us go to Children's but its getting close.
Please pray that her fever goes away and she feels better. We would love to be in church tomorrow its been so long!!
Also pray for her appetite today she barely ate or drank. And please pray that she doesn't become neutropenic (low counts/high fever) that would keep us in the hospital all week.
11 more rounds to go
Praise Jesus during every round and every scan.

From Grandpa David:
-I just shared a bunch of pics. of today's events for those that couldn't be there. It was amazing having everyone turn out for this great event. The kids were excited to ride in the Wal-Mart trucks the parade turn out better then we could have imagined. A big Thank You to Ken Nelson and his team of drivers that go above and beyond to help all these kids. It is a great thing that you do to make the lives of these kids a little brighter. Ken and Wal-Mart gave God the praise for the blessing we share of Julia being Cancer Free and his almighty Hand at work with Zac and Harmony as well. For that we say Amen!!

From Kristy Nault (Zac's mom):
-We sit here together, looking through the hundreds of photos taken, sent and posted over the weekend. It's hard to describe the impact each person and memory has made without crying. We know and have met people with the some of the largest hearts in the world.
Ken Nelson, Ross, Carol and the Walmart Heart Drivers: A single act of kindness can change a person's perspective and their life. You teach this to others with who you are, what you say and your persistent desire to help each child. Your not deterred by numbers, people or life. You help share the Wal-Mart HEART Story because you believe in it. Thank you for your heart, dedication, and desire to lead your group to helping others. It was an honor to have met you and to call you friends. Thank you for doing this for our kids and so many more.

Moolah Shriners and Mason: Gregory Heins, Chad Humphreys, and to every one of you that attended, drove your trailers across the state, drove your open cars in single digit weather, escorted convoy, put on a costumes and make up and did whatever you could to make one of these kids smile, Thank you. Your kindness has changed so many this weekend. "We do it for these kids, for the strength they show when no one is watching " It is an honor to know you and to have been apart of this event with you, thank you for everything.

David Kamper, Dusti Elbert, and Shawn Kohrs, Rachael Jones, Jeanne Zelch: In life there are struggles, triumphs, there are heartbreaks and new beginnings. Its rare to meet people that remind you of the bigger picture, of the true reasons and to push yourself. Its about believing in God completely and praying and then praying again. You inspire people to reach inside of themselves and to want to be a better person. Dave, the transformation you made on your truck for these kids and all of the other kids fighting is truly amazing. People can no longer say they aren't aware. Thank you all for everything.

Mark Rice, Greg Scott, Theresa, Action Riders: It was 5 degrees, you still came on two wheels, bearing flags, smiles, love and support for these kids and their families. Thank you for putting your hearts out there, for being apart of this, or showing these kids how brave they have been and for never giving up, no matter the forecast.

FCSD, MOHP, St. Clair Union and Washington Fire departments and Police, Gasconade County Sheriff, First Responders, and off duty personnel: Thank you for being apart of everything. Thank you for your hearts and supporting these kids.

We will continue to share many thanks, photos and posts, for tonight, God Bless

A few places where you can find even more event photos!

Grandpa David's album
The event page!
Video of the convoy

Saturday, March 1, 2014

2/8 - 2/14 - Super powers and preparing for the convoy!

February 8th

From Kristy [EVENT!]
-The Wal-Mart Heart Event on February 15th for Harmony, Julia and Zac is going to be awesome and big. You absolutely do not want to miss this!! If your not in the convoy, head over to Washington Wal-Mart at 9 am for the Rally for these kids!! The convoy pulls in at 10 am!! Thank you to all that have helped and see you there!!!

February 9th

From Momma:
-Juls is almost asleep
She had day 3 of round 14 today and is doing good.
I realize more and more how tough she really is.
It amazes me.
She'll be back at the hospital on Friday, Valentines Day for blood, antibody transfusion and round 15 of chemo. Praying she'll be well enough to party Saturday.
Praying when her counts go down she doesn't get fevers or mouth sores.
I didn't realize it at first and nobody told me but they increased her dose.
So praying extra hard for Princess
And I was wrong scans are February 19th.
She's gonna rock those scans!!

From Grandpa David:
- A big Thank You to Joshua Wagner for the use of his shop today so we could work on the truck out of the weather it work out great snow stopped just as we got done.


 February 10th

From Grandpa David:
-Today was a very special day Rachel came by the house this morning and Julia and Aly decided that they wanted to stay at our house. They hung out with Carol most of the day. Andrew , Breydan, and Mckenzie hung out with me we worked getting in some wood, then they played out in the snow it was a great day. Thanking God for all these blessing he has allowed us to have. Jul's was feeling good she was running around the house playing she kept wanting to play Duck Duck Goose she ran so much she had to stop and catch her breath a couple of time

-Special Thanks go out to Danny & Mona Diekmann Owners of Circle D Sports Locker in Owensville for all the time and hard work they did making all the lettering and pics for our signs. Also Big Thank You to Joyce and Clint Jose ( Lane Building Products) for donating all the sheet metal for the signs. Without all of you this couldn't have been possible.

Team Juls Spotting! 

Kenny Rosno representing Team Juls all the way at Winterslam over the weekend in Minnesota !!!!! Thanks Kenny so much 

February 12th

From Momma:
-Juls has had a busy day today running around town. She's feeling good but is wearing out easily.
The other night she turned completely gray and around her eyes turned black she got cold and clammy. She was ok but freaked us out a bit. I guess side effect from chemo. Drs couldn't figure it out.
She has round 15 on Friday and scans again next Wednesday. We will find out her blood counts tomorrow.
Praying she can still go Saturday. Big day planned!!
Praising God for this miracle every day

My beautiful distraction. God knew I needed you....
Ahna 18 months old

February 13th

From Momma:
-This is how princess gets auntie in the slide. ..by batting those eyes Jamie Estes [Click here to watch the video of Juls' persuasive powers!]

From Grandpa David:
- Julia got her blood work done today and her counts are still up. Tomorrow she goes in for antibody transfusion and another treatment. She will be coming home after it is done and will be home tomorrow night. Rachel told me it will be Monday when her numbers will start bottoming out again. Praying that they stay up she is so looking forward to Sat. We hope to see everyone either at the Wal-Mart in Union as we leave Sat morning at 9:00 or at Washington Wal-Mart at 10:00 it sounds like it will be a great event and a Big Thank You to Wal-Mart and Ken Nelson and all the Wal-Mart drivers for everything they do for the kids.

February 14th

From Momma:
-Juls spent Valentines in clinic getting antibodies and chemo. Shes doing good and excited about tomorrow.
Praying she has enough energy and stays fever free.
I really see gods protection over her. The drs are always amazed at how well she is doing. So please keep praying that God keeps her in his hands and keep her healthy and protects her body. She has endured so much.
As I was talking to a friend about how I hated that she's still has to go through chemo and other things that were getting me down. She said, "Rachel your letting Satan distract you from the miracle that God has already given you."
She told me not to focus on the negative but the glory of God.
Oh how I need this reality check. .....
I'm not gonna focus on the rest of the treatment but just continue to give God glory for the miracle He gave our family

2/2 - 2/7 - Baskets, buttered rolls and more treatments

February 2nd

From Momma:
-Juls had a good day at Grandma's house with Aly and Ahna. She's now home watching TMNT
Shes feeling good and eating a little. Please pray for her as she has round 14 on Friday. It will be in patient. Pray her body is protected from the chemo. That it doesn't effect her heart lungs or other organs. I hate chemo but I hate cancer more!!
Praising God he took it all away.




February 3rd

From Momma:
-Had a very nice day.
Juls, Ahna and I spent the day running errands. Everywhere we went someone told Juls they've been praying for her and told her how special she was. It was so sweet.
Then I made a phone call and dialed the wrong number and I accidentally called a very dear friend I haven't spoken to in a few years. 

February 4th

From Momma:
-Thank you to everyone who thought of us with Shawn Kohrs latest event with the valentine cards. It's sweet and truly kind just like Shawn himself.
But Id prefer to sit this one out. ..for rather selfish reasons. See when we aren't in the hospital or I'm not running to drs or giving her meds I like to pretend that we are a normal family. A family not being plagued by this awful disease. Just enjoying my family. I want to pretend for a moment this holiday that everything is normal and ok .....and not be reminded of my daughter's cancer
My second reason is my other kids understand why Juls gets special attention but they don't. ....they feel left out often. And that also breaks my heart.
So as great and awesome as this is....I think we will pass.
Some times reality hurts to bad.....

February 5th

From Grandpa David:
-Juls has been doing really good and we thank the Lord for all these good days. This morning she was having trouble deciding what to wear. She had me looking for a dress for her, but nothing seemed to be what she wanted I told her that it was really cold outside and she needed something warm so she decided on her Care Bear costume it was thick and fuzzy and nice and warm. Perfect. Jul's ANC counts soared this week which is good because she will go back in Friday for another 3 day treatment. We are praying for everyone to have safe travel during this winter storm and Thank all the Modot and other drivers working to make our roads safer.

February 6th

From Momma:
-Yes Juls is sleeping in a basket. Shes resting up for round 14 this weekend.
Praying god protects her body during her chemo. Praying her counts don't bottom out and she doesn't get fevers. Also praying for her appetite.
Cant wait until this is all over and we can relax in the sun with a healthy little girl. So ready for this to be over.

 February 7th

From Momma:
-Juls is almost done with her chemo today. She'll be rescanned on February 11th CT, MRI and bone scans.
Of course these scans are clear just like the last ones!!
Praising God....in this storm

Sunday, February 2, 2014

1/31 - Back home again

From Momma:
-Back home and I was thinking a nice movie and a relaxing evening would be awesome......but then I realized I have 5 kids...I'm like 17 years away from that

-Juls counts today are 171
Yay finally outta there and guess where are going after we get home....Chinese
She told the nurses she was going to eat chinese tonight!!!

From Grandpa David:
-Our girls back home once again.Yaahhh already wanting to go for Chinese. At least she wanting to eat. Glad to have them all back home, but bad for Richie he's already been called into work for tonight. Hopefully the roads won't get to bad and he will have a easy night.

1/30 - Higher counts

From Momma:
-Praying Juls counts are at least 100. Shes so ready to see her family
She said she just wants to hug Bubbe, Kenzie, and Aly.
At night she always thanks God for letting us be a family. So sweet!!!

-Juls ANC is 28. If its 100 tomorrow we can leave !
Shes getting another blood transfusion. This is her 3rd since Friday. So please pray her counts go up and she starts eating.
I hate that she has 13 more rounds of this

From Grandpa David:
-Come on Juls this is no step for you girl after all that you have been through. Praying your ANC goes through the roof so you can get out of there. Special thanks to everyone that came out for the praise service it was a very moving service. The Gasconade County Republican photographer was there and took some great pictures and had a wonderful page in the paper!! We can't stop Thanking the Lord for all the blessing we have received. I am listening to the bigger girls laughing and playing downstairs.

1/29 - Prisoners

From Momma:
Pray for her counts to rise quickly.
Fever is gone but we are held prisoner until counts jump

Team Juls Hair Models!

1/28 - Back to Children's

From Momma:
-Headed back to children's
Fever spiked!
She was doing so well :0 (

-Transfusion went great!
Shes feeling great even with low counts.
We ate a Junnie Moons in Union one of my favorites....the owner wouldn't let us pay!
She asked we pay it forward!
So awesome
We will forever pay it forward
All the kindness that has been shown to us

1/27 - Low counts and magazine spreads

From Momma:
-Princess is feeling pretty good but still wont eat and barely drinks. She however being silly and a little rotten.
Her ANC is very low 12 but at least it's not 0
Her platelets are low too so tomorrow she'll go back to Children's for a transfusion.
Praying her numbers jump soon and she doesn't get sick

Jodie Keeney-Wilson shared The Hook Magazine's feature of Pullin for Juls

1/26 - Not eating :-(

From Momma:
-Juls had an amazing day yesterday! I think she may be catching my cold :0 (
She's not eating anything and barely drinking. She doesn't have a fever and well see tomorrow how her counts are.
I pray she stays outta the hospital. I'm so glad she got to spend her birthday at home. God has blessed us over and over! !

Happy 4th Birthday Juls!!

Sleeping beauty before her party
Brunch at Chinese
Shes eating and having fun
Please pray she doesn't get sick..I caught something and pray princess doesn't get it

Princess Juls is ready for her birthday she's Elsa from frozen

And the party!

Family fun!

1/24 - Praise Service

From Momma:

-Last night we sang happy birthday to Juls. I asked Andrew to video it for me....this is what I got. Lol thanks Bub

-We had some special friends last night. ...this fire fighter drove from Macon to meet Juls.

-Getting excited for tonight!
And a little nervous too
I don't speak well in front of large groups and I am not sure what to say yet.
I'm just going to let the spirit lead me!!
Juls had her 13th round of chemo today as well as a blood transfusion.
Praying she still feels good tonight.
We are having cake for her bday after the service so please stick around!!
Praising God, praising God!!

From Grandpa David:
-What a wonderful night!!Praise service was just amazing. Songs of praise, Rachel gave a very heartfelt testimony how God has cured Julia of this cancer that was in her body. Others giving testimonies. Julia was having a good time and was all over the place she sang for us and even was trying to help Brother Kevin out. Finally we ended the night singing Happy Birthday to Juls since tomorrow is her birthday. We all enjoyed birthday cake and fellowship.

1/23 - Post-chemo butterfly kisses

From Momma:
-So sweet at bedtime Juls tried to give me butterfly kisses. That's kinda hard to do without eyelashes but I giggled and pretended to feel them.
She was so silly tonight.
She's drinking plenty of milk just not eating much.
She seems to be doing good still, she'll have labs done tomorrow. So we will see if she needs any blood products.
God definitely has her firmly in his hands its so obvious every day!!
I continue to pray that this round doesn't get her down. I also pray that god protects her body from the chemo she is enduring.

1/22 - Heart

From Grandpa David:
-I have been given the Honor of being part of the Parade To Bring awareness to Childhood Cancer. Special Thanks to Wal-Mart for putting this parade together to make the lives of these Angels a little brighter.
  • From Ken Nelson at Wal-Mart Heart:The St James Heart team is happy to announce we have added Julia S to our event. We did an event for Julia but due to the effects of chemo was not able to do the full event. With her addition and the support of all three kids we have outgrown Union. THE EVENT WILL NOW START AT UNION AT 0900 AND ARRIVE AT WASHINGTON AR 1000.

1/21 - Half way done with chemo!

From Momma:
-Mrs. Shannon Lang brought Juls a new hat to match her old hair. Juls loves it

-Many things on my mind....
First Juls is doing good. No nausea meds or pain meds. But she's not eating much at all. Shes walking frontwards and backwards without a problem!!

-Her bday is Saturday she'll be 4. So happy for her big day. I found the Barbie Dream House she always wanted for half price at Wal-mart!!!
Friday is round13 of chemo which means we will be HALF WAY done with it! Also Saturday will be 6 months since we got the awful news....it's amazing how far God has carried us!!
Many times in the bible after Jesus healed the people were amazed and praised God giving Him all the glory!!
That's exactly what we are going to be doing Friday night at 7 at First Baptist Owensville. Everyone is welcomed to come and praise with us. Juls should be there.
It's a celebration and also a time of prayer for anyone else who needs it. Please join us

-I just have to say. ...

Monday, January 20, 2014

1/19 - On the saddle again :-) 12 of 26 doses done

From Momma:
-She's back on the saddle at Texas Road House her new favorite place. She still wanted it even after her chemo.
Praying she handles this new format of chemo.
Next round Friday the 24th but it will be out-patient.
12 rounds down and 14 to go....come on July we want to be finished!!!
We praise you Lord for healing her and keeping us in Your hands while we go through this trial.

Found this pic today and had to share
From Grandpa David:
-Julia finished this round of chemo this afternoon. Bet you all can't guess where she wanted to go next. Yep, Texas Road House this is her new favorite place to eat now. We had taken Andrew and the bigger kids shopping for some clothes for Andrew. Afterwards we took the kids over to see Julia at the hospital. She was glad to see them, and so was Ahna she went around hugging them all. When they released Julia we all went and ate supper together. We had to let them know it was Julia's birthday Sat. so they brought the saddle and did the 1-2-3 Yeee Haaaaaa. Juls was so excited she said, "I just love this place." Everyone is now back home and we wait to see how she handles this new format for her chemo this was the first time giving it to her this way. Pray that she keeps doing good she is finally starting to eat a little bit better. Thank you Lord for our little angel!!

1/18 - Stand UP!

From Grandpa David:
-Julia is at Children's getting another round of chemo. She seems to be doing very well with this round so far. We went to see her and first thing she says, "What took you so long," second thing, "Did you get me a lollipop," LoL Yes we got a Lollipop. Huge smile on her face. We also picked up a sweet tea before getting there, I didn't want get in trouble for that. Ahna was also excited to see us and wanted us to take her walking. She wanted to escape the room for a while, so her and I went down to see Janet she was on the 8th floor in isolation. Janet is still running a fever and will have to be there a couple more days. If everything stays on track for Julia she should come home tomorrow night. We all continue to thank the Lord for all he has done for Julia, and Pray for all the other children and their families the are living through this same heartaches that we have. May God heal each and everyone of these Angels!!!

From Grandma Carol:
-Visiting Julia she had to put on a show [Stand UP! video of Juls]

1/17 - TMNT get chemo too! 2 more doses down!

From Momma:
-Juls aka Leonardo is doing great trying to eat some pizza cause we all know that's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles favorite.
2 chemos done and one more tonight.

1/14 - A prayerful mother's view on cancer

From Momma:
-I've heard so many people who have cancer and age doesn't matter. It's an epidemic. I think to myself it wasn't always like this and what has changed. Cancer used to be rare. Sure we can say our food is so processed our water is poisned and our air is toxic.
I'm going to tell you what I think the real issue is....I believe it's sin. Not just our own individual sin but the sin of our nation.
God's blessing has been removed from us and sickness now is rampant!
Julia was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer I never thought for a minute that God gave it to her but I know we live in a imperfect world.
I did what I knew from the Bible to do....to fall face first on the ground and cry out to God for forgiveness and for healing.
I had faith that he heard my cries and He would heal her.
We know today that Juls is cancer free. Not because of doctors or chemo but because of God and His healing.
Can you imagine if all God's people cried out to God for forgiveness and healing on our nation and our lives. I truly believe then God would again bless our nation and heal us. Juls is a testimony that He is still here and is listening and wants us to turn to Him!!
In that I praise you Lord and thank you!!

-Went to the Chinese restaurant and was blessed by a stranger.
This has happened several times.
I want all of you to know I appreciate everything.
I pray that God blesses those who have blessed me. I cannot begin to pay back what this community has done for me, but I can pray that God will bless this community and every single person who has helped Juls in any way!!

Monday, January 13, 2014

1/13 - No cancer, NONE!

From Momma:
-Can anybody guess where we are? Juls just had a drs appointment. Doctor said there isn't cancer ANY WHERE in her body.
The bone they took out they sent for pathology and the results were again amazing. No cancer in the bone. Her doctor was amazed!
So I say again she doesn't have cancer anywhere.
My God is amazing

From Grandpa David:
- We had a wonderful Sunday with our family. Went to church and in came Julia holding Mommy's hand all dolled up with matching cap she was walking on her leg again putting weight on it and having the biggest smile on her face. We all just turned and watched her she made quite the entrance. During church Aly was baptized and what a glorious thing that was to see also. After church we all went to Chinese restaurant for dinner it was Breydan's birthday so our whole family was there for dinner. Afterwards we went to Jamie's house for cupcakes and ice cream. It was so nice all the kids went outside to play there are 3 swings on Jamie's swing set and they were all full. Julia got in one and that girl had a great time she wore several of us out pushing her. I think she must have swung for a couple of hours. What a wonderful day the Lord had provided and we were all blessed to be able to enjoy it together. Today Julia will go back to doctor to see how her leg is doing we are expecting a good report!!!!

-Each time Julia goes back to the doctor the news gets better. Doctor McDonald is a excellent doctor and usually doesn't show a lot of emotion, but today with Julia even he had a smile. He told Rachel and Richie that they had looked at Julia's bone every way they could, and her cancer is gone. After her leg surgery he came to talk with us then and said then that there was no sign of the mass. We thank God for taking Julia in His arms and healing her and for using her to bring a awaking to His people and to show us His power and mercy. When I got the news of how bad Julia's cancer was back in August I cried, "NO God not her, not her," I couldn't understand how or why, but we put our trust and faith in Him and God lifted all of us up and showed us His love. He blessed us with a community that also surrounded us with love and people all over the world that we have never met giving up Prayers for Julia joining us through this. I thank the Lord and I thank each of you!!

1/12 - Birthday and baptisim!

From Momma:
-Aly was baptized this morning.
We are so blessed.
With Julia's healing, Kenzie's adoption and Aly's baptism.
So exciting.
Also I want to invite everyone to a Praise Service at First Baptist in Owensville on Friday the 24th. I'm not sure on the time yet but it will be evening. This will be a service praising and thanking God for the healing He has given Juls
So please come out and join us.

1/9 - Just BEING at home

From Momma:
-It's hard for me to post when we are home....
Juls is feeling good.
She started eating again today.
She's watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...her new favorite.
She's counting down till her birthday. ...only 16 more days and she'll be 4.
Praise be to God that she'll see four.

From Grandpa David:
- We got to have breakfast with Julia and family at McDonald's this morning, Julia managed to eat about 1/4 of her pancakes which is a big improvement. Later I heard she had ate a whole grilled cheese sandwich and was wanting more. You go girl! So happy she is finally wanting to eat again. Julia will be getting her leg looked at on Monday then will resume chemo treatment on Friday. I am so thankful that God has shown his blessing on Julia and her body healing her of this awful cancer. I ask God to continue to lift Rachel and Richie up through this long process Julia will still be receiving 15 more rounds of chemo. I can't wait for the day that Julia will be able to walk down the hall and ring that bell signaling that she is done and cancer free what a glorious day that will be praise the Lord.

1/7 - Schedule changes

From Momma:
-Trying to find anything that this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle will eat! She hasn't eaten much today...she's gotta start eating soon.
They changed her schedule so now they will check her leg next Monday and start chemo the following Friday. Which breaks my heart cause I really thought we'd have January free and would be able to celebrate her birthday outta the hospital. It doesn't really matter to her but it really bothers me. But I guess we are getting the chemo train back on track and on to the finish line.
15 more rounds to go 11 done.

From David:
-Julia's schedule has changed again. She now has to go back to the doctor Jan 13th which is Monday for her leg, and then start back with chemo on Fri. We thought they were going to give her 6 weeks to recover with her leg, but Rachel received a call today changing all that. Julia is doing really good but still is not wanting to eat. Thankfully she is drinking sweet tea and choc. milk. She wanted some chicken on a stick from Chinese restaurant so I took her some, but by time I got there she was sleeping. I hope she will still want them when she wakes up. Rachel removed a lot of the bandage from her leg today and changed the dressings now the bottom of her foot is unwrapped and we are hoping that she will try and walk on it some. We are just so thankful for all the progress she has shown in such a small time Thank the Lord.

Monday, January 6, 2014

1/6 - Mary doesn't want to talk about it!

This is Mary, one of Julia's friends from Children's, you may have met her in one of the dance, wig, or slumber parties, or chemo color comparison photos.

She's quite the song writer, though she has apprently decided to be a doctor!

Here's her song video, thank you Becky and Rachel for sharing!

 Also, here's  a snow Team Juls photo, still representing!

1/5 - Hopping with PawPaw

From Grandpa David:
-Julia is home enjoying herself the best she can. She is trying to hop on one leg to get around the house. She's been playing, laughing, and showing that great smile. She can start putting some weight on her other leg when she feels comfortable with it. Praying that everyone is home safe during this nasty winter storm. Richie had to work 12 hrs. last night and will have to be out in it again tonight. Pray that these MODOT workers have safe travel as they try to keep our roads open. Because of their great work I was able to go down to Rosebud and take Miss Julia a sweet tea and Mommy a Dr. Pepper I needed to go down to the store for a couple of things and used that for a excuse to stop in and see Juls.

1/4 - Yeeehaw for Juls!

From Momma:
-Juls told our waitress her yucky bone is gone so they grabbed the saddle (video here!)

-Thumbs up for feeling good and getting outta here soon. She says we are going to Texas Road House. Hoping they open at noon!
Phil Robertson, Juls says her wish is to meet you. ..praying Make-a-Wish makes that possible!!
Praising God in all His glory for all He has done for Juls.