About Me

Please join us to support a brave little girl in the fight of her life. Julia (Juls) Stone was recently diagnosed with and will BEAT stage four Ewing Sarcoma, a rare form of childhood bone cancer. She is a sweet and spunky little girl with a great deal of spirit. Her greatest champions are her mom and dad - Richie and Rachel. She is part of a loving Christian family made up of Richie, Rachel, 3 adopted children (Mackenzie, Ally, and Andrew) and two biological children (Julia and Ahnika). The family lives in southern Missouri and must travel to Children’s Hospital in St. Louis for Juls’ treatments. The medical and travel costs will be enormous so Team Juls is lending support in any way possible. We are rallying together to provide prayers, well-wishes and fundraising events. We aim to lend spiritual and emotional support and to ease the financial impact of medical/travel expenses for Juls' family during this tough time. Please join the fight with Team Juls!
There are a several ways to lend your support for Juls, so please reference the How You Can Help tab for more information. Thank you for your prayers all the support!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

11/8 - ANC and appetite is BACK!

From Momma:
-Some days are just harder then others :0 (

Juls seems to be doing a tiny bit better. Hoping tomorrow is even better.
Please keep her in your prayers

-If anyone is coming to st.louis please let me know Juls wants Owensville Chinese!!!!
Chicken on a stick and sweet and sour chicken

-Juls does have an ANC of 34! Yay that's a start! Fever still running 102 and her cheek is still huge. Shes not eating but still drinking sweet tea. She will only sleep in my lap and not in bed.
I'm super tired and can not wait for her to be better and we all can get a good night's rest.
Pray for her ANC to continue to rise and her white blood cells not to attack her cheek which could cause more problems. Pray her fevers leave and don't come back. Pray her cheek and mouth heal quickly so she can be comfortable again. Pray we get to go home soon so we can enjoy a few days at home before we are back next week. Also pray for Andrew, Aly and Kenzie while we are away from them and they try to make sense of all of this.
Continue to praise god for his unfailing love and his healing hand upon Juls. Pray pray pray for her scans on the 25th. I believe God has already healed her and the scans will prove it!!!

From Grandpa David:
-Chinese and 2 sweet teas delivered as promised. Picked up the 3 bigger kids from school and went and met Carol at Beaufort. We all went to see Julia this afternoon, she was so glad to see bubby and sissies she gave each one a huge hug. She grabed one of the sweet teas and wanred me to go heat up her Chinese. I tore it into tiny pieces and gave it to her she tasted a couple of little pieces and that was it. She wouldn't eat anymore so sad she still can't eat this now makes a week since she has eaten, but at least now she is wanting to and thats a start. We put Juls and Ahana into a couple of pull wagons and made laps around the floor Juls still can't leave the floor. After a few laps we went back to her room and she wanted to paint Richie set up paper in the wall and I moved a chair close to it and set her into it and painted her feet so she could do a foot painting , then she wanted to do her hands also a few mins of this and she was done and wanted cleaned up so mommy took her into the bathroom to clean up. I saw my chance and got into the rocking chair with her blanket and when she came out she looked up at me and i put her on my lap and covered her up and we rocked and rocked I told her we were going to leave and she pouted dont go just a few more mins. I rocked her another 30 mins and she fell asleep I laid her down and she rolled towards me and I gave her a kiss. I believe she is doing a little better her ANC was 34 this morning and Praying for much higher tomorrow. We just made it back and I wanted to update everyone. Thank You to each and everyone that has been praying so hard for Our Little Julia. Sometimes we don't get the results as fast as we like ,but we have to keep faith Through Jesus Christ all things are possible and we will get to witness his blessing very soon.

-Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anc is back only 34 but is finally showing sign of returning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord........................

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